when you wait a whole year to party, you party hard
the whole day felt like being in a dream - the rain misted off and on while the children wore fairy wings and ran around the field while the bar cart served drinks filled with flowers and cotton candy and it was a day long happy hour that was very, very happy. the live music by the heartbeets was magical and there was a moment where i got to shed a tear with mandie in the corner just looking over the day her and paul made.
and that was the best part about it all - it was so mandie and paul. every detail. they knew they wanted it to be them and anything that didn’t match that didn’t make the cut without hesitation.
but to top it all off - there was a tent for every guest to camp (well, glamp - these tents were sexy af) so as the night dwindled to a close, all the family and friends gave their hugs and tucked away into their tent for the night. with full, full hearts.
love you so much paul and mandie. what a day.