the best day in the world
i love that the progresson of ida is documented along here in these really pivotal times in Claire and Adam’s relationship and story. here was just before adam moved across the country a few months after they got serious and Ida was still rooms full of boards. here was a year later, they were living in it finally, the farm life had begun, and Ida really began to flourish. and here it is another year later. on their wedding day. the story of Ida and its growth is so beautifully tied to Claire and Adam’s love and their own flourishing. starting from a place of building from the ground up and years later at this place of a full, full home. full of hosting and laughter and bonfires and chickens and goats and togetherness. that they have poured every ounce into and watched it grow and grow.
claire and adam wanted to spend their wedding day actually with each other, so they got ready together up until it was time to get dressed. family from down the street and family from across the Atlantic spent the evening laughing hard and dancing hard. all the critters made their way down the aisle with emma the doggy taking a pee break halfway down and beetroot the goat trying to escape, but they all made it down eventually. there was a total of 15 flower girls and ring bearers. the ceremony was particularly beautiful bc the reverend that married them was like really hot. the toasts made everyone ugly cry. the sunset was cotton candy heaven. they played with fireworks and did their getaway in their vintage bronco. it was the perfect, perfect day.
love you dearly claire & adam. forever friends. thankful for you.